• I'm home, sitting by the kitchen table talking bullshit with my mad family. Wish you were here, wish you'd see what I see in them. Thinking about you constantly, but suddenly I get shy of putting it into words. I'm not ready to turn this into something worldly, it's still up there in the sky with the birds and the angels, how could I ever describe? Words are created by humans, and humanity is down here on earth, words are simply too small. I nod my head and say "yes" when they ask, but I can't describe it. I tell them I'm in love, but I could never make them see how sublime it really is. They nod their heads and smile, as if they understod, and all I can do is smile back because... they have no idea.

    As always my family home has a calming effect on me. I sit in front of the fireplace with a book in my hand, listening to old jazz, drinking glögg. But you're missing, a part of me is where you are, as always. The heart around your neck is my heart, and without you next to me, in my arms, skin against skin, my soul is blank.

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  • Maybe it's because it's 02:37 in the morning and I'm up writing about bloody poststructuralism and maybe it's because everything's been like a rollercoaster lately and maybe it's because I need a vacation,
    I feel like someone have/should run over me with a truck.

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  • We're building a mountain of love. Strong and solid. You and I, we ARE the mountain.
    Two bodies becoming one, two souls creating something more amazing than anything earthly. Sometimes I want to burn us alive, in that precise moment when all muscles flinch, when we're gasping for breath and your eyes are burrowed deep in mine. At that precise moment I sometimes imagine us going up in flames.

    Believe me when I say that even when I'm not there, I'm still holding you in my arms. I'm still kissing your face, still caressing your hair, still cupping your breast in my hand. Your presence is always there, in the corner of my eye.

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  • I guess I'm drunk. I'm in love with the world. My friends, my life, this town, everything. 
    This days has been absolutely brilliant, from start to finish. Babe, I love you to bits. You have no idea.

    Chanson de la nuit: Bimbo - Lambretta

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  • How I loved talking to you tonight. To feel that you were there, surrounded by all those people, but left them for almost an hour just to have a silly conversation with me on the phone. To hear you smile, to press my ear against the phone and to almost feel your breath against my skin. I love you for that, and all that you are.

    I wish I could give you a piece of myself to make you whole. I wouldn't mind walking around with a piece missing if that would mean I could have you walking beside me, looking as strong and beautiful as only you can look.

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